Childhood and Youth Studies Network

This network ran from 2022 to 2024.
This TORCH Childhood and Youth Studies Network (CYS) sought to provide a forum for researchers at all career stages studying young lives and experiences, representations of childhood and youth, and the politics of age, both at the University of Oxford, across British universities, and elsewhere. We sought to advance Childhood and Youth Studies as a critical interdisciplinary field which asked urgent questions about the part played by age in shaping experiences of climate change, race, migration, education, culture, and public health. We emphasised how childhood and youth, as life stages simultaneously cherished and marginalised, expose the factors at play when determining who counts, both in the academy and beyond.
The TORCH Childhood and Youth Studies Network aimed at fostering dialogue across disciplines and regions, by bringing together scholars in History, Geography, Education, Area Studies, Modern Languages, Literature, and other fields. We welcomed participants whose main focus was children and youth, as well as newcomers looking to integrate age into their research or teaching.
The CYS Network offered a hybrid series of research seminars, reading groups, pedagogy sessions to advance the teaching of childhood and youth, an annual lecture, and networking events. You could email us at or contact us on Instagram ( if you wished to be a part of our network or join our mailing list.
Network Leads:
Dr Catherine Sloan - Career Development Fellow in History, Hertford College
Dr Alexandra Lloyd - Tutor and researcher in German Studies, University of Oxford
Dr Sneha Krishnan - Tutorial Fellow, Brasenose College; Associate Professor, School of Geography and the Environment