Heidegger, Being, and the Unintelligible

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TORCH Oxford Phenomenology Network is hosting a seminar with Alexander Dowding (University of Oxford) on  'Heidegger, Being, and the Unintelligible'. A common interpretation of Being and Time holds that the issue at stake in Heidegger's project is that of intelligibility. To be, the view goes, is to be intelligible or meaningful, and the mystery of being is how or why it is that entities show up as those (meaningful) entities. But is the remarkable intelligibility of the entities that make up our world - the hammer, the pen, the glass of wine - the full extent of the sense of being in which Heidegger is interested?

This paper raises a number of concerns as to whether this view accurately captures the breadth and depth of Being and Time's position, and concludes by presenting a positive alternative which may provide some improvement, viz. those concerns, over the extant interpretation.


Oxford Phenomenology Network

Contact name: Erin Lafford

Contact email: erin.lafford@ccc.ox.ac.uk

Audience: Open to all