Longing for Lesbos: Queer Women and the Classical World
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - 12:30pm
Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, Beaumont St, Oxford OX1 2PH
Come and explore LGBTQ+ histories in the “No Offence” exhibition at the Ashmolean with Early Career Researchers.
From Sapphic magazines and Amazonian sports teams to the label of “lesbian” itself, classical women and references undoubtedly pervade lesbian culture. This talk will explore lesbian appropriation of the ancient world, focussing particularly on Sappho worship, the creation of a unique lesbian heritage and the use of Classics in justifying homosexuality.
Each Tuesday from 30/10 - 27/11 there will be a short lunchtime talk that showcases research at Oxford relating to objects in the exhibition.
Talks will take place at 12:30-1pm and booking is not required.