Monday 29 April 2024, 5.30pm - 7.30pm
Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building
All welcome
Join Queer Intersections Oxford for a discussion with Dr Spiros Chairetis, currently a visiting research fellow at the University of Amsterdam, on his work and forthcoming monograph on queer TV, on queer writing, cultural and community practices in and out of the academy. Notes on Craft aims to foster conversations between activism and academia, and to give context to students and early career academics on how their political, scholarly, and lived experiences might effectively feed and shape one another.
Spiros Chairetis, (DPhil, Oxford University, 2021), is a postdoctoral researcher at Panteion University, Greece, and a visiting fellow at the Research Centre in Humanities in Athens and the University of Amsterdam. Drawing on autoethnographic, fannish, queer, and feminist methodologies, Spiros’ research explores television fiction and its interplay with gender, sexuality, age, and class markers, as well as the relationship between media texts and their audiences. His research also encompasses the embodiment of fatness and, more recently, the politics of humour in the genre of comedy. He co-edited the special issue "Introduction to Greek Television Studies: (Re)Reading Greek Television Fiction Since 1989" (Filmicon, 2019) and has contributed to open-access media and interdisciplinary academic journals, in addition to publishing in collective volumes in both English and Greek. Furthermore, he is currently finalising a revised version of his doctoral work titled Greek Television Comedy: Queer(y)ing a Canon (Palgrave Macmillan). Beyond his academic pursuits, Spiros is involved in feminist/queer artistic communities in Greece and often writes poems and short stories which have been featured in zines, anthologies, and online poetic magazines. In June 2023, his debut queer poetry book The Merman and Other Creatures was released by Thraka Publications.
Queer Intersections Oxford Network, TORCH Networks, Intersectional Humanities, TORCH Hubs