Political Essay Group | Reading Group 5
Friday 21 March 2025, 4.30pm - 6pm
Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building
All welcome
Come if you’re curious! This term we’re reading a selection of essays from about the last fifty years, but we’ll try to expand our sense of the contemporary form in future.
This week we’re reading the essays listed below. They can be found easily via googling or on solo but email us if you want to be added to our email list–we’ll email ahead of each reading group with the readings attached! You don’t need to have read all the essays for each week.
Susan Sontag – ‘Looking at War’
Jean Baudrillard – ‘War Porn’
John Berger – ‘Why Look at Animals?’
Edward Said – ‘Bursts of Meaning’
If you would like to join our network or speak at one of our events, please email politicalessay@torch.ox.ac.uk.
The Political Essay Group is part of TORCH Student Networks