Our research lunches provide a relaxed space for those who already engage with queer studies to discuss their work, and for those who are interested in queer studies to find out how it is being used and how they themselves might engage with it, without any requirement of prior preparation.
This week, Jack Parlett (JRF English) will be speaking about the literary history of Fire Island, a vacation spot around fifty miles away from New York City, with a particular focus on the ambivalent narratives of queer utopianism that surround it.
Lewis Roberts (BA English) will be speaking about the lost works of the fringe Pre-Raphaelite artist Simeon Solomon and his circle, and how they interact with contemporary philosophies of silence. (“Simeon Solomon’s Lost Works: silence in the Victorian text”)
Presentations will be followed by time for group discussion.
Lunch will be served from 12:20 and will include vegan and gluten-free options. All are most welcome. The venue is fully accessible. Please do contact us if you have any specific requirements.
Image: JA Nicholls. nice to hold. Oil & acrylic on canvas. Used with permission of the artist.