The 20th Oxford-Princeton-Vienna-Berlin-Mainz Graduate Exchange in Late Antique, Byzantine and Medieval History

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Thursday, June 27th

13.30-14.00: Introduction and Welcome

14.00-16.00: Session I:

Chair: Bryan Ward-Perkins

Alexander Graumann-Kardan (Mainz), ‘Per litteras loqui: Augustine’s Means of Communication’

Guus van Loon, (Vienna), ‘Shifting Hierarchy? The disappearance of the praepositi pagorum in the late 4th and 5th century AD”

Isabelle Beaudoin (Oxford), ‘Lay piety as a reflection of loyalty to the king: unexpected insights from Ælfric’s Lives of Saints’

16:00-16.30: Coffee Break

16.30-18.00: Session II:

Chair: Helmut Reimitz

Anna Gehler-Rachůnek (Berlin), "The Function of Pope Gregory the Great's Letter Epistola 9.214 in Early Medieval Canon Law Collections"

Michael Eber (Berlin), "Neither Councils nor Decretals: 'Non-Canonic' Material in Early Medieval Canon Law Collections"


Friday, June 28th

10.00-11.30: Session III:

Chair: Walter Pohl

Jakub Sypiański (Mainz), The Testimony of Manuscripts on the Connection between Intellectual Revival in Constantinople and the Arabic Translation Movement (750-900)

Adele Curness (Oxford), ‘A Calabrian microhistory: The anonymous author of the Life of St Elias Younger and his world’

Helen Flatley (Oxford), ‘Cutting the Ties of Bondage’: Ransoming and Manumission in Mozarabic Toledo

11.30-12.00 Coffee Break

12.00-13.00: Session IV

Chair: Ida Toth

Anette Mazur, (Mainz), Observations on the Illustration and Function of the Byzantine Alexander Romance, Codex graecus 5

Alex MacFarlane (Oxford), “pitiable and lamentable”: The City of Bronze and Alexander’s pointless life

13.00-14.00: Lunch Break

14:00-15:30: Visit to Manuscript Notitia Dignitatum

16.00-18:00: Session V

Chair: Julia Smith

Canan Arikan (Vienna), ‘Inscribing Euergetism by Clerics in Early Byzantium’

Anya Raisharma (Oxford), ‘Gendered Spaces of Trust:  Monks and the Natural World’

Alyssa Cady (Princeton), ‘Women’s Funerary Collegia: Rethinking an Antiochene Mosaic’

18.00-19:00 Drinks Reception

19:30 Conference Dinner


Saturday, June 29th

9.00-11.00: Session VI:

Chair: Claudia Rapp

Matthias Stern (Vienna), ‘Taxes, Land, and Power in Byzantine Egypt’

Lena Krastel, (Berlin), ‘"Remember me!". Coptic Inscriptions of the Upper Egyptian monastery Deir Anba Hadra’

Jelle Wassenaar, (Vienna), ‘The diocesan peoples of tenth-century Europe’





This event was made possible by the generous support of the