AfOx - TORCH Visiting Fellowships
The AfOx Visiting Fellows Program is designed to enhance academic mobility and network building. The program supports African scholars and researchers working in any discipline to spend periods of flexible time in Oxford, for example as sabbatical leave for utilising library or other university facilities or undertaking or planning collaborative research with Oxford based colleagues.
The AfOx-TORCH Fellowship Programme aims to connect world-leading researchers based in African institutions to Humanities scholars based at Oxford University. Applications are open to researchers with interdisciplinary projects from a broad range of research areas in the Humanities. The Fellow will be based in Oxford over the Summer period and work with Oxford researchers in the Humanities, and across other disciplines where appropriate, to develop research ideas, projects and events. This can include research papers, ideas for co-led projects, future joint research developments in the area of humanities. Examples of areas of priority are research related to history, languages, religion, environmental humanities, medical humanities, digital humanities, performance and cultural heritage.
The Fellow will be welcomed into the Oxford community at TORCH and supported as part of the research community during their fellowship, with a view to develop a longer term research connection.
For more information about this programme, follow this link to the AfOx website:
For any queries you can also contact Dr Anbara Khalidi, TORCH International Officer (