Join us for a three-day colloquium: Queer Black Performance.
This event brings together international scholars and interdisciplinary artists for three days to explore pasts, presents and futures of Queer Black Performance. It is free and open to all, with support from the Faculty of English, the Queer Studies Network, TORCH and the Faculty of Music.
The venue is fully accessible.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for further information.
Thursday 21 February 2019
14.30-16.00 Daphne Brooks (Yale University) | If You Should Lose Me’: The Archive, the Critic, the Record Shop, and the Blues Woman
16.00-16.15 Break
16.15-17.45 Malik Gaines (New York University) | Virtuosity at the end of the U.S.A.
17.45-18.20 Jade Montserrat (University of Central Lancashire) | ‘Pickin up the cabbage’
18.20-18.50 Reception
Friday 22 February 2019
10.00-11.30 Kara Keeling (University of Chicago) | Slave to the Rhythm: On Grace Jones, Modulation, and (Im)Proper Bodies
11.30-11.45 Break
11.45-13.15 Tavia Nyong’o (Yale University) | The Queer Drama of Black Life
13.15-17.00 Lunch and afternoon break
17.00-18.45 Zinzi Minott gives a presentation about her work, followed by performances by Lasana Shabazz, Ama Josephine Budge (Birkbeck, University of London) and Malik Gaines (New York University)
18.45-19.30 Reception
Saturday 23 February 2019
10.00-11.30 Ruth Ramsden-Karelse (University of Oxford) | ‘3 Whores from 42nd Street New York’: Reading Kewpie’s District Six
11.30-11.45 Break
11.45-13.15 Kyla Wazana Tompkins (Pomona College) | Form, Deform, Deformation, Rot
13.15-14.30 Lunch
14.30-16.00 Dagmawi Woubshet (University of Pennsylvania) | A Quiet Gathering: Reflections on James Baldwin’s final work, The Welcome Table
Humanities & Performance
Queer Studies Network
Theatre and Performance
Contact name: Ruth Ramsden-Karelse
Contact email:
Audience: Open to all