Oxford Medieval Studies

Oxford Medieval Studies is one of the largest forums in the world for interdisciplinary research on the Middle Ages, bringing together over 200 academics and a large body of graduate students. The period of a thousand years from c.500 to c.1500 saw huge social change, political upheaval, technological revolution, intellectual debate, and artistic innovation across Europe and the wider world. In Oxford, medieval studies link disciplines such as Archaeology; Art History; Byzantine Studies; Classics; English; History; European, Middle- and Far-Eastern languages; Music; Philosophy; Theology and Religion; and work with heritage sites and institutions such as the Ashmolean Museum and the Bodleian Library. It also offers an interdisciplinary Master’s degree in Medieval Studies.
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Medieval Studies Postholders
For a full list including research fellows, stipendiary lecturers, and doctoral students cf. the Faculty pages
English Postholders: Prof. Laura Ashe; Prof. Tamara Atkin; Prof. Helen Barr; Prof. Mishtooni Bose; Prof. Charlotte Brewer; Prof. Gareth Evans; Prof. Kantik Ghosh; Prof. Jane Griffiths; Prof. Siân Grønlie; Prof. Simon Horobin; Prof. Francis Leneghan; Prof. Andy Orchard; Prof. Nicholas Perkins; Prof. Annie Sutherland; Prof. Marion Turner; Prof. Daniel Wakelin; Prof. Mark Williams
History Postholders: Prof. Rowena Archer; Prof. Stephen Baxter; Prof. Fanny Bessard; Prof. John Blair; Prof. Margaret Coombe; Prof. Ian Forrest; Prof. Peter Frankopan; Prof. George Garnett; Prof. Helen Gittos; Prof. Helena Hamerow; Prof. Catherine Holmes; Prof. Marek Jankowiak; Prof. Geraldine A. Johnson; Prof. Matthew Kempshall; Prof. Conrad Leyser; Prof. John Nightingale; Prof. Natalia Nowakowska; Prof. Mark Philpott; Prof. Amanda Power; Prof. Hannah Skoda; Prof. Julia Smith; Prof. Lesley Smith; Prof. Nancy Thebaut; Prof. Benjamin Thompson; Prof. Ida Toth; Prof. Christopher Tyerman; Prof. Julia Walworth; Prof. John Watts
MML Postholders: Prof. Daron Burrows; Prof. Simon Gilson; Prof. Geraldine Hazbun; Prof. Henrike Lähnemann; Prof. Elena Lombardi; Prof. Sophie Marnette; Prof. Francesca Southerden; Prof. Almut Suerbaum; Prof. Helen Swift; Prof. Rosa Vidal Doval; Prof. Annette Volfing; Prof. Sam Wolfe
Music Postholders: Prof. Karl Kügle; Prof. Elizabeth Eva Leach; Prof. Christian Leitmeir
Theology Postholders: Prof. Philip Booth; Prof. Sarah Foot; Prof. William Wood
Oriental Studies Postholders: Prof. Umberto Bongianino; Prof. Julia Bray; Prof. Alain George; Prof. Jennifer Guest; Prof. Nadia Jamil; Prof. Jeremy Johns; Prof. Marianna Klar; Prof. Christopher Melchert; Prof. Christian Sahner; Prof. Luke Treadwell; Prof. Shelagh Vainker; Prof. Theo van Lint
Philosophy Postholders: Prof. Cecilia Trifogli
Bodleian Libraries: Dr Andrew Dunning; Dr Matthew Holford; Dr Martin Kauffmann; Dr Peter Tóth
Steering Group
Dr Andrew Dunning (Bodleian Library), Prof. Peter Frankopan (Byzantine Studies), Prof. Christian Leitmeir (Music), Prof. Helen Gittos (History, Director MSt Medieval Studies), Prof. Sophie Marnette (MML French), Dr Miles Pattenden (History), Prof. Lesley Smith (History), Prof. Francesca Southerden (MML Italian), Prof. Cecilia Trifolgi (Philosophy)
OMS Officer
Tristan Alphey (Comms Officer, Mentor MSt Medieval Studies)
Prof. Henrike Lähnemann (MML German), Prof. Lesley Smith (History)
Archived Medieval Studies booklets: Autumn 2024 | Spring 2024 | Autumn 2023 | Summer 2023 | Spring 2023 | Autumn 2022 | Summer 2022 | | Spring 2022 | Autumn 2021 | Summer 2021 | Spring 2021 | Autumn 2020 | Summer 2020 | Spring 2020| Autumn 2019 | Summer 2019 | Spring 2019 | Autumn 2018 | Summer 2018 | Spring 2018 | Autumn 2017 | Summer 2017 | Spring 2017 | Summer 2016 | Spring 2015
Contact: medieval@torch.ox.ac.uk